Thursday December 10, 5 p.m. CEST / 11 a.m. EST
Length: 55 min
We have many exciting announcements to make and some of our key partners and customers will join us on stage in Stockholm. Together we will explore how we are adapting quickly to changes in the world.
Joining us on stage:
Mikael Bengtsson
Product Manager
Maryam Ghahremani
Chief Executive Officer
Nick Goff
The Marketing Store
Client Development Partner
Andreas Hassellöf
Chief Executive Officer
Rasmus Hyltegård
Director Advanced Analytics, Retail, Global Data & AI Center of Excellence
**Martin Knutson
Kjell & Co
Chief Technical Officer
**Linda Pimmeshofer
Retail Industry Executive
**Aaron Reich
Global Lead, Emerging Technology
**Matt Ward
Intel Corporation
General Manager, IOT Retail, Banking, Hospitality & Education Sales
**Terry Yates
Town of Cary
PMO and Smart City Program Manager
November 17, 2020
“Truly techno”
“Purchase items right from the street”
“Satisfying Dubai’s ravenous taste for tech”